Financial Secretary's Blog (01.14.2023)
謹為您送上今個星期「司長隨筆」 (https://www.fso.gov.hk/chi/
blog/blog20240114.htm)。題目是「 說好香港故事」,我希望聽到您的意見。 猶記得去年年初,我在瑞士達沃斯出席世界經濟論壇年會期間,
趁機在街頭向當地民眾和旅客介紹香港旅遊的吸引之處。 隨著疫情過去,香港逐步恢復與各地便捷往返, 訪港旅客人數去年也逐步回升,全年訪港旅客人數約3400萬, 而整體經濟狀況也較去年初有所改善, 很多新機遇和新發展也漸成趨勢且成效初現。這次出席年會, 我將向全球各地的政經、金融領袖介紹香港的最新發展情況和機遇, 以及內地的經濟狀況和發展方向,希望大家加強合作, 一起實現更好的經濟增長。 事實上,自去年第四季以來,內地經濟數字持續有改善,
包括工業生產、服務業生產及零售銷售額等增長也提速了; 整體固定資產投資維持穩定。前月外資流入到「 中國銀行間債券市場機制」(CIBM)的金額,便增加2, 510億元人民幣,是歷來第二大的單月增幅, 反映投資市場情緒亦正逐步轉好和重新部署、伺機而動。 上月召開的中央經濟工作會議提出堅持「穩中求進、以進促穩、 先立後破」,強調宏觀政策逆周期及跨周期調節, 更鞏固了未來的重點。 誠然,面對全球的高息環境和多個外圍不利因素叠加,
過去一年本港的資產市場備受壓力。不過, 同樣實存的是投資機遇變得更為吸引, 很多資金正伺機尋覓投資機會。去年首11個月, 本港的總存款額達到約16萬億港元,較去年同期增加了4.1%, 而當中港元存款額佔7.6萬億港元,亦較去年同期上升1.7%。 加上12月的初步數字,全年總存款預計增長估計超過5%。 去年全年約2,500億港元資金經「南向通」流入本港股票市場。 數字反映,在進出之間,資金仍是處於「淨流入」狀態。 事實上,我們的財富管理業務甚具優勢,有相關市場報告(BCG Global Wealth Report 2023)預計,
香港的財富管理業務在2022至2027年期間,每年將錄得7. 6%的增長,可為本港金融、專業服務帶來龐大機遇。 本港擁有專業、可靠及高效的財富管理服務, 連同過去一年我們在家族辦公室方面的拓展,以至重推「 資本投資者入境計劃」等, 將為本港的資產及財富管理業務帶來另一增長動力。 此外,產業發展方面同樣進展加速。
近年我們大力推動本港創科產業發展,不論是人工智能和數據科學、 生物醫藥、金融科技、綠色金融,以至第三代互聯網等, 經過多年的努力,相關的生態圈已漸次成形, 創業者和科學家都在新的科技賽道上全力競跑, 希望能搶佔先行者優勢。在我們創科政策和資源的大力支持牽引下, 一批重點企業陸續落戶香港, 不少私募基金和風投基金亦隨之被吸引到香港, 希望找尋優質的投資機會。 其實,國際投資市場的不二法則是尋求最具「性價比」的回報機遇,
他們著眼的不是「過去式」的數字,而是更關鍵的「 未來增長的潛力」,而不少熟悉香港市場的國際投資者都認同, 香港正是其中一個最理想的選項。 我希望在這次出席世界經濟論壇年會時, 可以向一些很久沒到訪過香港或內地的投資人, 介紹這裡最新的發展與機遇。 今年世界經濟論壇年會的主題是「重建信任」,全球約二百個國家,
各自處於不同的發展階段,有不同的經濟狀況和社會需要, 信任的氛圍既關乎到各國是否能聯手推動全球經濟更好增長, 更關乎如何讓全球各地的人民都能普遍受惠, 這才是推動經濟增長的意義,也是重建信任的必要所在。 順祝
______________________________ ________ Dear Friends,
I am pleased to attach my latest blog titled “Telling good stories of Hong Kong” for your perusal (https://www.fso.gov.hk/eng/
blog/blog20240114.htm). I still remember how I took the opportunity to introduce the attractions of Hong Kong as a tourist destination to the locals and visitors in the streets of Davos, Switzerland when I attended the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting in the city early last year. With the epidemic coming to an end and the resumption of convenient travel between Hong Kong and the rest of the world, the number of inbound visitors rebounded gradually and reached a total of some 34 million last year. Our overall economy has improved as compared to the situation early last year. New opportunities and developments are gaining momentum and reaping early results. While attending this year’s WEF Annual Meeting, I will explain to the political, economic and financial leaders from all over the world the latest developments and opportunities in Hong Kong, as well as the Mainland’s economic situation and directions of development, appealing to them to strengthen co-operation and achieve a better economic growth for all.
In fact, since the fourth quarter of last year, some economic indicators of the Mainland have continued to improve. Industrial production, services production and retail sales, among others, have seen accelerated growth, while fixed asset investment has remained stable. Foreign capital inflows into the China Interbank Bond Market (CIBM) increased by RMB251 billion last November, the second largest monthly increase to date, reflecting the gradual improvement in the investment market sentiment, and that the market is redeploying and waiting for opportunities. The Central Economic Work Conference held last month called for continued efforts to pursue progress while ensuring stability, consolidate stability through progress, and prioritise development before addressing problems. It emphasised counter-cyclical and cross-cyclical adjustments of macro policies, and further solidified the future priorities.
Indeed, Hong Kong's asset market has been under pressure over the past year given the high interest rate environment and a number of unfavourable external factors. However, it is also true that investment opportunities have become more attractive, and capital is looking for investment opportunities. Total deposits in Hong Kong amounted to about HKD$16 trillion, increasing by 4.1% in the first 11 months of last year, of which Hong Kong dollar deposits amounted to HKD$7.6 trillion, an increase of 1.7% from the same period last year. Along with the preliminary figures in December, the projected growth of total deposits for 2023 is estimated to be over 5%. Last year, Southbound trading of Stock Connect brought an inflow of HKD$250 billion to the Hong Kong stock market. The two-way capital flow figures have indicated that there continues to be a net inflow of funds.
In fact, our wealth management business is well-positioned to bring enormous opportunities to Hong Kong’s financial and professional services industry, with relevant industry report (BCG Global Wealth Report 2023) projecting a 7.6% annual growth for our wealth management business from 2022 to 2027. Hong Kong’s professional, reliable and efficient wealth management services, coupled with our efforts to promote the development of the family office business, and the re-launch of the Capital Investment Entrant Scheme, etc. over the past year, will provide further impetus to Hong Kong’s asset and wealth management business.
In addition, the development of industries has also accelerated. In recent years, we have actively spurred the development of the innovation and technology industry in Hong Kong, such as artificial intelligence and data science, biomedicine, fintech, green finance and Web 3.0. After years of efforts, their ecosystems have gradually taken shape. Entrepreneurs and scientists are racing hard on the new technology track, hoping to seize the first-mover advantage. With the strong support of our innovation and technology policies and resources, a number of strategic enterprises have gradually settled in Hong Kong, followed by quite some private equity and venture capital funds in search of quality investment opportunities here.
In fact, the rule of thumb in global investment is always about looking for the most worthy investment opportunities. What international investors are concerned with is not past figures but potential growth for the future, which is more crucial to them. Many of those who are familiar with the Hong Kong market agree that the city is one of the most ideal options for investment. At the WEF Annual Meeting this year, I aim to introduce the latest developments and opportunities in Hong Kong and the Mainland to investors who have not visited here for some time.
The theme of the WEF Annual Meeting 2024 is "Rebuilding Trust”. There are about 200 countries across the globe, which are at different stages of development with diversified economic situations and social needs. Building an atmosphere of trust is therefore a matter of not only whether various countries could join hands to foster greater global economic growth, but also how people all over the world could benefit from such economic growth in general. This is what fostering economic growth is all about, and why rebuilding trust is so important.
Kind regards,
Paul MP Chan
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